Sunday, January 30, 2011


*Stuff gets trapped within words (??), which is then conveyed much like an actual physical object getting transported.*  Is there a palpability to the stuff, something that allows for it to have a kinda 'wave-particle'/real-illusion type quality, as in the substance that is the medium for creation, eg. painter has pigments, writer - strokes. Is there a thing which allows for the palable yet not real creation? actor on stage deals with real palpable 'characters'. the characters are real so long as the drama or whatever is on, but that is not all, that is as real as it is an illusion. it is as real as one would want to believe. One could choose to keep the perspective of the big picture alive by remembering that it is just an act, a make believe, and then choose to participate as though it is real..and things can be moved by such participation..a drama can take a dramatic turn as long as it is consistent with the 'integrity' of that particular setup, one could also bring in something entirely new, even while being within the setup just by virtue of being able to see the big picture.. being in it and yet not in it or rather..not being in it, yet being in it.

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