Just as there are contexts within which only certain things show up, while others not, there seems to be another umbrella that has specific forms characteristic/identifiable to it. Forms of which when noticed gives an indication of that umbrella being present (?), like how specific gestures, movements, when noticed can alert to a particular space that a person may be in, eg. a furtive glance, quick noiseless movements may be indicative of something stealthy (?)...networks have objective links. Anything that refers to an objective link triggers a response system within the 'recognition system' of possible form networks...the more number of forms pertaining to a particular network, the more sure will be the 'recognition' of having zero'd onto the network and its a 'aha' moment. there could be specific words coined to identify such 'networks' but this can be seen as a concept which may have its own entelechous development..this may not be new. Brain may be designed to function only by linking forms (??) in which case the links can be chosen and worked and reworked until it gets objective and then built upon it to whatever extent. It can be broken and others formed too.
There seem to be identifiers within a network even though networks may be interconnected. Though maybe objectivized, ignoring a form is missing a chance to follow the thread into the full network, maybe in subtle but profound way connected with other networks.
There seem to be identifiers within a network even though networks may be interconnected. Though maybe objectivized, ignoring a form is missing a chance to follow the thread into the full network, maybe in subtle but profound way connected with other networks.
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