Saturday, January 22, 2011


What is missing is to be brought forth where i am to see the result out there..more like a projector in a theater. Turn the thought sequence anyway which and if arriving at the same spot over and over, then better to save that spot for further reference. This is much in link with an experience had over and over, much like is circles. Once the experience has been fully accepted in all its length and width and lesson learnt, that cycle no more happens, the next level in the process opens up, like a video game wiht multiple levels. How is this thought-vein similar to the 'conclusion' of the former? Are they in different paradigms or just another dimension to the same? If a nodal point is arrived at over and over again, then maybe just realizing that it is a point arrived at multiple times is itself the entry point to the next level. Maybe at that point the network is seen more clearly, more interconnections visible than was formerly, and that visibility is the bottomline from which the next level is to be arrived at. Strangely now the two thought-veins have linked.

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