Saturday, January 22, 2011


Is pretense important? Make-believe? even when u know it is false, not permanent, just there for the sake of it, know it is not permanent? Could it be a matter of so much resignation and cynicism that you miss being resigned and cynical? Being in anyplace familiar for long enough breeds a certain acceptance of it (Stockholm syndrome) which needs to be gone beyond to even know what else could be there. It takes building a muscle necessary to withstand the uncertainty and self-doubt to test what could be new and unfamiliar. It must already be present in some unrecotgnized form through other means of adapting to changes within the brain system, though not consciously recognized. Anything that is missing, needs to be brought forth where I am. To bring forth something new, it needs to be traveled on a little distance to first see if it is feasible before directing or recommending it to another. Maybe presence a pathway itself isa means of being aware of such a path, as an option, to be first traveled on before further emphasis. Maybe the very process of recommending it causes for one to travel it in a certain way for creativity happens with a little acceptance of it oneself from which further creation happens? (maybe it is a part of the creativity accept something of something for development to happen, even if for alittle while, as recognized forms in the brain...much as though words, even if inappropriate, presences links which it holds within its ambit to the utterer/listener just by virtue of such a word having been uttered.. a literal 'word creates the world' format!?)

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