A pattern that made itself known recently. Pretty myopic. It is a tendency to see things through a small visual field, just enough to have the thing (particularly people) appear manageable and slottable into predefined slots, much like stereotyping people..this is of this type, this that, and then saying thats that, making them 'flat' characters' until he/she throws up a surprise which briefly has one wondering before it is conveniently forgotten until that surprise element shows up again. And when it does a couple more times, then the person gets slotted into another 'type.' The person in question of course would bristle if he/she knew the slotting happening, owing to an innate rebelion to be 'boxed' and labelled. Wonder if the 'there is more to me' response comes only in reaction to 'thats all there is to you.' There are all kinds of reactions. Intuitively i think everybody are 'round' characters, some pretending to be 'flat', but then maybe the roundness is revealed only when they are 'flatted'
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