Monday, June 27, 2011

Dualities (2)

Teaching and learning - no duality there. Just awareness, distinction of constituents/compositions. Teaching is learning.

Life does not have parts. Office is not part of my life. Friends, family, hobbies, goals, personas/personalities, people are not part of my life. They (It) is my life. They - sounds like many individual things, and together is much. Dont have many things to manage. Just one life. Simple and complex is somehow blurring its boundary lines.

Friday, June 24, 2011

On awareness, simplicity/complexity of things..

(A rambling wanting-to-make-sense-of-things writing that i saved up to read again hopes of making more sense..or find deeper meanings. Thought better saved on this blog than somewhere else and then forgotten)

There is so much i get aware of these days, so much wonder evokes at what i see, hear, sense. It is as if i had never lived, just born in some way very recently. whatever happened in all these years? had i not seen, or what i see now was not at a level that my eye (internal and external) could see?

wonder whatever is distance then, if all there is is just here and now. distance from where? from when the color was recognized to when the form is recognized to recognizing (or is it just awareness more than recognition, where something that became awared is then seen again to be recognized?) that form is just an interpretation just as the color is, that what is is just what is, with a name given to it from the mind intervening and labeling, so have i covered a distance, when the first color became aware and now come to the same sense of there just being whatever it is, and a label. So is distinguishing things after having formed something that is the distance covered? the distance from the first awareness, to the full picture seen and then distinguished into constituent parts? Wonder in that sense if we really 'move', i.e. the baby gets aware of the world, and then learns to label things, and then form patterns and get it complex, until it is all caught up in its complexity that it figues things in its own way until it is very simple as an awareness, which is where it first was when it started. what difference now as an adult? any distance covered? still figuring out how to live, what purpose, what best way to be happy, to be free, creating and then wondering how to create, how to be stress-free?!!, how to have fun, money, power, status, fame, hardwork, strategy, ..and still wanting to have a fun while holding on to interpreted means to get the most simple things in life.  searching for it outside while all along its is right there where one is..only having to go the whole roller coster to discover that what is sought is right where one is. is there some manufactuiring defect that we are designed to see outside and go after things to discover what is right under ones nose? the whole circus of life to find what is right under ones nose! happiness, peace, fun, creativity, power, key to life-work-everything, the might and strength to rule the world,  to alter reality, have the world at ones command, all under ones own nose, but do the monkey , circus act to get them, be the donkey after the carrot, be pushed, beaten, dogged, hardworked, stress, strain, fatigue, suffering to get what is right under ones nose. manufacturing defect! The creator, if there is one who manufactures this whose puppet thing needs to add one additional feature in the model,.... cant think of a single thing that this puppet doesnt have, but still it goes round and round chasing its own tail.    Why cant we just be? is it because there is so many features, so many sophisticated tools that the simplest things cant be gotten? the system is go geared for complexity! right from the first unicellular organism starts the process of complexifying things, greater functionality, adaptation, multifunctionality to on and on...complexifying things. now it is the brain at it, complex games, multitasking, use of sense organs in complex ways, intuition to add to the complexifying machinary. getting the system to be so tense, intense, until the next species or organism or whatever evolves that makes all the high-end functionality of the previous one, child's play, and it starts its own means to make things complex at its level. there is really no point to fighting it. the system is designed for complexity. it is made from really simple things, all common simple things (elemental). What of these elements and in how many ways can one use? it is all mere creation.. all mere resources. child's play. the created becomes the creator..and onto complex things. the most complex things also have the same simple elements. There is enough to keep everyone, at every level entertained. It is really a master creche to have fun. Born to have fun. What games do you want to play? You win at whatever game u play, whatever, always. The world is really at ur feet and for ur taking.

Freedom of choice..

I just love ranges.... 0 to 10, least to max, base pitch to octaves, minus to extreme positive. They are dualities too, but they are ranges to be experienced, not quite understandable conceptually or gotten intellectually..needs to be experienced..i guess.

Stuck in rules and expectations (meet them...trying to meet them...or rebeling and so not meeting them, but nevertheless playing within the gammut of expectations and rules). Im stuck in them. Cant paint my own stuff, play whatever i may want to think of as music, write whatever i want, do whatever i want..without bumping against some preset/preconditioned expectations. It is like a default encoded something that just keeps going on and on, and if im not present to it, i could go on for days on end like a machine (no thought, no nothing) a at a particyular time, sleep at a particular time, brush in morning, .everything has a preset time and need to is so automaton-like. HAVE to wash up after eating, have to brush, have to ...everything. Unless i know what it is not to, and how it feels not to, it is not my choice at all, just a mechanical rut ingrained into me by upbringing (because someone asked me to do, but have no real clue except as a concept..and to why i should. Not because i FEEL dirty and so, or because i am hungry,... not much is my choice but a handed down set of 'dos'). the point is, i dont really know the range of things in an experiential domain. This may sound pretty dumb, but it seems like i dont really know how to be free.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The movie, King and I (1956), has a scene where the widow and her son, just off the ship to the King's place hums a song about whistling a happy tune whenever anxious, perturbed, or feeling unsettled, and that the happy tune will ease it all out. Much like the 'All izz well' of the 3 idiots. Just that somehow the music does it much faster than the 'all is well.'

Thursday, June 16, 2011


That which is missing makes it's presence known by its absence.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


In the end they all seem to boil down to the same things, just different facets of the same thing(s)....and yes, as it is in the macrocosm, so it is in the microcosm.

Monday, June 13, 2011

untold misery..

Easy to emphathize with Helen Keller at times, and the want to find an express-way!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Everyone, each and everyone, is a minority in themselves. Alone, unique in his/her own way and wanting (searching??) for more of the same kind, to feel a bond of acceptance, comradeship, of not having to fight to be oneself, to be cool doing the things accepted (even if by just one other person). Once that kernel of approval comes through, then it is a matter of time before the same action/expression is repeated and developed and overtime allowed to blossom into whatever it could possibly become (maybe larger than oneself, have a life of its own, and have a following with mimicers/critics/students, the whole works).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello...whos listening??

Everyones talking...and no one is listening! So much much to hear, the din from it all is deafening...and no one is listening (dont want to listen in all the din??). Maybe there wouldnt be so much noise if there was enough listening.

Two ears and one mouth...maybe thats is not an accident from evolutionary symmetry of anatomy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Random thoughts linked. Again, is random really so random? Maybe nothing is really 'nonsense.'

Can the moment be not savored in all its flavors, see the colors inherent, sense the depths, experience the width and space...savor the moment before choosing where to go next with peace right here and now and not to be sought at the end of it? Can it all not be gotten with velocity, the distance and the moments' fullness all as if in a flash, in toto...or the moment's fullness in toto in a flash even while speeding towards what needs be gotten to? If it is realms to be experienced to have access to the domain that creates realms, then velocity in the milestones, connections, and movements needs be consistent to do that which needs be done.

What if it all comes to that what needs be done is not out there but where i could get to? Would perfection that i resist then be gotten as an experience? what then? what lies beyond 'perfection'? Monotony is boring. is it then Jonathan's next world? Is it all gonna be experienced as an illusion? the limitation of the senses limiting what could be possible, creating the illusion of the limit? Will it all be experienced, as there being more than the senses? the - range of the senses and the whole range of unnamed/undiscovered senses? .. the things that brings everything together in a continous steam of consciousness? Would that be the other side of darkness ? (.)