Saturday, February 12, 2011

Communication phases..

Going through another phase in the area of my communication skills. 'A girl with very few words' would have described me well during my girlhood days (or so says mom). Then came a phase of high-end vocabulary through voracious reading (a result of conscientiously training myself to articulate better with more words....always thought people dont understand me). Then came the 'keep it simple' phase (when it dawned on me that people now dont understand 'coz I use such high-end words and in complex sentences!...and a conscientious effort made to cut down on reading, for I thought they are only feeding more words to add to my consternation!). Next came nonsensical phase, with excessive use of body language, too many words used to convey a very simple idea (by when it became pretty clear that none of my efforts is allowing for people to understand what i intend to say better, and worse, is creating misunderstandings!). Now, I suppose is the beginning of 'less is more' phase (I find me tending to say choice words, let the words hang in the air for anyone who may want to grasp it and free to make anything of it as they please, and then dealing with what response I get). Right now this style appeals to me. If not anything else, I am expressing myself, not being overly stressed by the effort of it, and being more brave about dealing with collateral damage from misunderstandings. Lemme watch the scenery on this phase unfold..

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