Saturday, January 15, 2011


peoples problems are 'real' to them. why should the apparently real things be treated as being real, not as illusion? why should the 'real'ness of one dimension be given due reverence and validity in that dimension when it is all illusion? how much of reality is to be treated as illusion? or rather, if illusions create the apparent reality, retaining the 'reality' in its dimension is necessary to create something worthwhile out of it. If a dot is placed in one dimension and another dot in another dimension, the two cannot be joined and called a line. if it is called a line, then the line exists in a third dimension that has the two dots lying in that dimension simultaneously.. then that line cannot be part of the first dimension, only one of the dots is......looks like logic is an inherent part of things, but then nothing is invalid. everthing has been created as a form, and it has its own entelechy to fulfil or not (??). How come everything created does not go towards its own fulfilment. how come there are stalled ideas/creations/dispersed energies/uncompleted work? if elements generate by an impulse by an absolute presence, then how come the presence becomes not-present and there is no autogeneration from within the forms...anti-particle reactivity? how does this anti-particle thing work? Satan is apparent anti-particle, so must also be the 'anti-particle' itself...or is it an equal force to reckon with, the interaction of both forces creating the field for creativity and all else to show up?
if integrity of one dimension is to be maintained, then there are already 'other' things in a dimension? this does not tie with the 'one' thing (intricacies of the difference retaining the twoness, with perhaps the particle-antiparticle response creating the intricacies, with time and space providing the medium for palpability in a particular dimension. if an element of time and/or element of space is altered, it is another dimension). science and its discoveries now tie in with the thought chain.

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