I need my own space to voice out, much like a room needs airing once in a while. It freshens things up, lets some oxygen in and removes stale air. Also paves way for some rare insights, more like a breakthrough into a newer worldview, and that to me is a million dollars figuratively speaking.
Much as I profess to be jumping out of my skin, of breaking away from my old patterns, I now find i need to think things through, sift truth from all the insights I keep getting now and then. I am faster thinking things out logically in my head, but the sediments of thought dont stay put, they kinda become volatile and I find myself going through the same pathway of logic time and time again. My brain just does not say to me 'hey, we have been here and this is the conclusion we came to, remember?'(hmmph). Lots of time wasted in rethinking! So, here I am creating another blog space, escaping from the eyes of a potential watcher, just so that I exercise my pseudopods and try out new ideas in words, and see how far, how wide, how deep and into how many spaces and forms is the meristem in me capable of growing into. Infinity, for sure! but, Bitha, my earthly identity, does not know it or is not as sure as myself is and needs to know that too.
Me thinks me and my identity are essential to build together a system that creates new realities within the context of what it means to be human (!), and create specific measurable results as a mark to leave behind while I am gone. Tall words! but then I really donno what all am I really capable of, do I?
This blogspace is the spaces I travel through in my journey.
Currently, I am working on living this concept that the world is a grand illusion made of stuff right out of my imagination, and that is the stuff with which new realities are created. Will log my discoveries shortly..
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