Saturday, September 3, 2016


I thought I was growing up to be the woman I was meant to be - the woman I am deep inside. Turns out that all it takes is the next trip-up to flip out and be catty (catty? me?!)  and ranting and raving like a child, not even a girl (which somwhow seems more mature than a child right now). I type about this here coz I think it is not just me; that anybody's next stage in development is just the next trip-up away, coz that trip-up happened because I had not really foreseen that or had any experience of in my entire repertoire of experiences.

What happened? I may have encountered a more complex, if not a more-than-everyday sort of complex character, and thought I had seen quite a few though I knew not all that there is. It is reassuring to know that I was right about there being more kinds (duh), only I hadnt been thinking in those terms since some time - being plateau'd with more or less several kinds with awe being a constant presence in my life with the work I do - that my emotional reaction did not register enough to be pondered in depth! Maybe I have been having quite a time with my emotions since some time that my emotional bandwidth is a bit plateau'd...and that is saying a lot.

Emotional bandwidth plateau - another space a person (me) could be in.